Commodore User

A Country Garden

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Supersoft
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #5

A Country Garden

This is a Centipede-style game: your remote-controlled Mole must protect your garden from caterpillars, fleas and snails. The graphics are very clear and moderately clever; sonics and only ordinary (despite the little tune at the beginning).

I really liked this game but I think it needs tidying up a bit. My copy had a magic mushroom that I could shoot constantly, gaining points as I did so: but it never disintegrated so my score just went up all the time. I also though the way the bonus points were awarded was a bit strange; but I expect that was just me. I especially liked the way this game is playable for a novice or a younger child at first go - it's always good to have an encouraging beginning. For the hardened games freak, however, I think this will not be so much of a challenge.

Other Reviews Of A Country Garden For The Commodore Vic 20

A Country Garden (Supersoft)
A review by SC (Personal Computer Games)