Celsius To Fahrenheit Converter

Published in EUG #1

Having grown up with the 'imperial' system of measurement firmly lodged in my brain, I find all this Metric lark a bit confusing!

For example, I hate decorating at the best of times but when I have to convert the measurements of a room from square inches to square meters in order to calculate how much paint I'm going to need. I usually end up sitting in a corner gibbering quietly to myself!

All this changed recently when we decorated the kitchen - thanks to CONVERTER by Robert Cooper. This is a completely menu driven program which allows you to convert:

  • Celcius to Fahrenheit
  • Fahrenheit to Celcius
  • Centimetres to Inches
  • Inches to Centimetres
  • Metres to Inches
  • Inches to Metres
  • Miles to Kilometres
  • Kilometres to Miles

Now none of us have got any excuse for getting our sums wrong!!

Will Watts, EUG #1

Robert Cooper