In This Issue

Author: Dave E
Published in EUG #51


Lovely EUG #51 starts with bad news and good news. The Rules Are Changing, says the Editor, and EUG, after a brief spell away, returns to £1.30 with a colour-switching intro, an incredible brain wave reader utility, four reviews, one adventure, a bulging mailbag and so many BBC sundries, you'll think it's never been away...honest!

First Stop

Emulation fans won't want to miss the low-down on Superior Software or the new address of the Stairway To Hell web page. Plus, read the New Rules Of EUG and how you can receive issues of it free!

Crossword Puzzler
Think you're sussed about the world of BBC and Electron gaming? Know the software house, its motto and the characters as well as the titles? Then try out a superb new crossword with 36 clues inspired by EUG #1! If the screen gets cluttered, type in "CHECK" at the prompt to see which clues you have yet to guess correctly.

Chris Warburton presents five 6502 assembly language utilities to give text in your program a 'quick kick'.

If you write ROMs and are tired of working out where every location should jump, Chris Warburton has the most practical solution you could have dreamed of. An article fully explains what he has done.


Your micro has a mind of its own, more developed than you'd dreamed, and this wonderfully well-written utility will show you its hidden depths of prediction... See it and be amazed!

A little gem of a music arrangement by Melvyn Wright. It plays "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" competently on both the BBC and Electron and was originally a part of the Firebird game Birdstrike.

CHARACTERS (All series)
Four VDU23 sprites programmed by the Ed over a decade ago.


Chess (Not compatible with Electron ADFS &1D00 system)
John Taylor has submitted this machine code version of Chess, which is a wonderful Mode 1 simulation of the game. He admits as to having no idea of its origin, or having any specific instructions to accompany it (so it may belong to a little-known professional company), but it's quite a fast-executing little number, even on a standard DFS Electron.

Chris Warburton's ricocheting space invaders arcade premieres in EUG.

Another originally badly-written educational program is recoded into something semi-amusing by Dave E. Originally converted from the Spectrum by Vince Apps - shame it took until now for someone to gametest it and correct all the mistakes in the code.

Richard Dimond puts neater touches to his patience masterpieces and presents a suite of the three with full instructions.

You're hotly pursued by a maniac driver in this very fast and familiar maze game. Does have a few differences from the one on the INTRODUCTORY CASSETTE though.

That "gamesmastering" snake from EUG #49 is back to terrorise more green frogs in the sequel assembly language arcade where the frogs are alive and infinitely more cunning...


New disk issues of EUG #0 and EUG #1 come under John Crane's microscope and the 'classic' values of Boxer, Classic Arcade Games and Electron Introductory Disc are investigated.


Coffee Adventure
Without a doubt the easiest (and most pathetic) adventure you've ever seen. Converted to the Electron by Dave E. Complete it and wonder why on earth he bothered?

Solution Corner

Thrash Scott Adams! We return to the mildly infuriating chronicles of the classic Adventure International releases with No. 6: Strange Odyssey. We also present a walkthrough to CSL's Acorn Adventure.


A selection of the queries and enquiries plus positives and negatives in the EUG offices this month.

Dave E