The Bit At The Back

Author: Gus Donnachaidh
Published in EUG #14

Well, Gus. So you've finished editing your first EUG magazine. It's almost ready to send out. How do you feel?


What did you like most about it?

The letters.

What did you like least?

I took over at the time EUG #14 was due. I have had to organise the workings of EUG and compile EUG #14 at the same time. Not an easy task, I can tell you.

Didn't you prepare beforehand?

I did some preparation naturally but it was difficult to know what to anticipate before I actually saw what I was getting from Will and Derek. They were of course both as helpful as they could be but having to get EUG #14 out without too much delay has been exhausting.

What made you take on the task?

Firstly because Will wanted someone to do it. Secondly because I like the Elk, I like organising and I like being under some pressure.

You have outlined some plans to develop EUG beyond simply a computer magazine. How do you think the members will react to this?

I hope they will see it as a positive thing. Some may think it unusual to have non-computer subjects included but really computers are an ideal medium for communicating issues and information of all types. A disk-based magazine is something that should have come along soon after computing became widespread. There is no reason why a disk-based magazine cannot cater for all interests. Computing will always feature in every issue.

What has been your biggest frustration?

Not having the Diagram package ready. This will be important for any readers to illustrate subjects. Unfortunately, this has had to take a back seat along with everything else while EUG #14 was being produced. I would hope that members still send in their ideas anyway. EUG is, after all, a magazine for them by them.

What has been your biggest distraction?

"Blakes 7" on "UK Gold".

"Blakes 7" is being repeated on "UK Gold". Shall we go and watch it?

Yeah, we can finish this later...

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #14

Gus Donnachaidh