Mean Machines Sega


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Konami
Machine: Sega Mega Drive (EU Version)

Published in Mean Machines Sega #13

Zombies Ate My Neighbours

"If my mom finds out, I'm dead meat," exclaimed Stacy.

"And just because you wanna see some crummy horror special?" Chuck sighed.

Stacy had only been too happy to come over to stay the night - even making up a fake slumber party she was supposedly going to. Now, as they were sitting waiting for the movie all-nighter to begin, she was starting to complain. As a gore-fan, he could hardly believe his luck - 40 odd horror movies playing back-to-back on channel 666. Funny - he'd never caught that station before...

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

"Listen, babe, don't get stressed out. You can cling onto me," ventured Chuck, as his hand casually slipped round her shoulder. "Get off, you creep!" shrieked Stacy, "You're history!"

As she jumped up from the sofa, she noticed an impish figure on the TV screen. "Don't go Stacy, the fun is about to begin."

Suddenly, she felt an invisible hand tug her towards the TV. They were both being sucked into the movie.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

"What's happening...?!" she stuttered as the gum fell out of her gaping mouth. "Chuck, Chuck, help meeeeeee!!!"


Konami have developed Zombies as a maze game idea, inspired by 50's horror B-movies.

How To Play

Run around the levels finding the victims and saving them all before the monsters get them.

Where Are They Now?

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Hi there Stacy and Chuck. Ever wondered what happened to your fave B-movie actors? Well, they're trapped right here in these films - at the eternal mercy of the Zombies, space aliens, mad scientist and 50ft babies. And so will you be, unless you free them all. Stay tuned for statin indentification.

1. Zombie Panic (Certificate U)

The neighbourhood is going downhill rapidly, with (deceased) relatives popping around, hungry for some brains. With both them and vulnerable pensioners on the same level, the trick is being able to identify the shambling, expressionless corpses from the zombies!

2. Malled Alive (Certificate PG)

Safeway's? Nothing could be further from the truth - just look what's on special today - You on a stick! There's creditcard bearing shoppers hiding in the aisles from psychopathic Cabbage Patch Kids, and putrified sales assistants. This could be an express checkout...

3. The Maze Of Madness (Certificate 12)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Revenge o the YTS parks staff! The harrowed souls of 1,000 council workers return wielding chainsaws to remove the overcharging limbs - of Stacy and Chuck. Aaaiieee - Quick, back to the Mystery Machine!

4. Dr. Tongue's Castle Of Terror (15)

Welcome to ze castle... Zere has been a home of ze Tongue's on zis hill for many years. I hope you enjoy your stay. Dinner will be served at eight o' clock precisely but only if you are fully prepared... Please don't vander around the castle precincts - it upsets ze staff.

5. Mars Needs Cleaning Staff (18)

"There's something in the back garden." "Oh the new gnome must have been delivered." "But it's glowing!" "Well, that's what I ordered." "What's that on the back of your neck! You're not my husband - when's our anniversary, then?" "Don't be silly, if course I know. It's er... er... malfunction... malfunction!"

6. Commercial Break: Just The Tonic

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Potions, potions, potions! You want them, we got them. Our preparations get to you faster than a bottle of Bucky, and prove just as effective. Our best buy turns you into a large monster, who pummels seven bells out of any supernatural creatures. Warning: if dosage turns you into a green, hard to control zombie, then discontinue use. We return to our movie presentation...

7. Commercial Break: Twenty Pack

When your mouth's drier than a zombie's sphincter, reach for our twenty pack. These handy cans taste great - and they also explode on contact with most deadforms. Try some today! We return to our movie presentation...

8. The Tomb Of Doom (15)

"The tomb of RutenTuten has lain undisturbed for centuries, Professor - it must not be desecrated!" "Nonsense, we scientists will not be bound by superstition.. Aaaieee. It's... It's... I want my mummy!". You got it, buster.

9. Commercial Break: Holy Water Gun

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Hey folks! No more trouble with the undead, with our Baptizer 500. These handy water-guns in transculent plastic take two litres of Aqua Santa - that's two hundred squirts of Holy Water to you. Send cheques to Our Lady of Uzi (We return to our movie presentation).

10. Commercial Break: Killer Klowns

You'll never be miserable again with our inflatable clowns. Set them off and they just laugh and laugh. Warning: clowns should not be set off in a public place, or any Undead creatures may ignore you and attack them. We return to our movie presentation.

11. Rosemary's Baby (18)

"It's huge! I've never seen anything like it! Who the hell changes the diapers on that thing. Look out, it's going on the rampage: driven mad by excess ammonia. I'll take the bazooka, you cover me. This one's my baby."


Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Zombies is a real Frankenstein's monster of a game, pieced together from specimen jars holding some simple notions for gameplay that form a magnificent whole.

An excellent use of all the horror imagery immediately toe-tags the game as being cred too. Ghoulish characters enjoy starring roles in many games but never feature so forcefully and imaginatively as they do here.

That familiar, edge-of-your-seat excitement associated with horror films courses through the player's veins as the lives of the neighbours' lie in jeopardy.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

There's nothing so chilling as the scream of a recently departed neighbour, especially when there is always a small chance of saving their skins! Everything you could want to exorcise from an action video-game is here, and the zombies haunt you until every last neighbour is saved!


I hope our off-the-wall review gets across how off-the-wall Zombies is. You'll encounter every B-movie cliche there is, over 48 huge levels of action. Thankfully, the gameplay is as inspired as the idea. There's a constant stream of danger, with zombies erupting from under your feet, and chainsaw madmen behind every hedge. There are loads of weapons and objects, each with a right and wrong time to be used.

All this challenge and game depth wouldn't rate as highly if it wasn't for the humour and atmosphere. Zombies has got both in huge measure - with suitably cheesy music and just fabulous graphics. Adding a dual player mode is just the icing on the cake. There's not much to say when games are as addictive and well-programmed as Zombies. It's probably the best all-round product Konami has brought to the Megadrive.


Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Presentation 88%
P. A useful password feature, and a wonderfully hypnotic title screen. A perfect horror movie atmosphere. N. No skill level options.

Graphics 93%
P. Brilliantly executed sprites, with keen kids and haggard zombies. The backdrops and colour schemes, and imaginative and change frequently.

Sound 87%
P. The music is a blend of kitsch tunes and spooky samples.
N. The music is slightly fuzzy, without the echo and depth of the SNES version.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Playability 93%
P. Incredibly simple game idea, that's easy to pick up, and instantly addictive. Great in two-player mode.
N. Sometimes zombies grab people before you even find them.

Lastability 91%
P. There's loads of strategies to develop, and over 40 levels to try them on. Even by the halfway stage, things are getting frantic. There's plenty of surprises for the further levels.

Overall 92%
Zombies is a totally absorbing and highly intriguing game. This has sent a shiver down all our spines - but in the best possible sense.