
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Electric
Machine: MSX

Published in Computer & Video Games #44


There has been much talk in the press about old games being rehashed for new machines, but classics such as Zaxxon should not be denied any micro owner.

This Sega version is one that all MSX owners will want to add to their collection.

An extra useful feature is noted in the loading. Side one of the cassette loads at 1200 baud, side two at 2400 baud. Although quality recorders are recommended for the higher rate, I tried a fairly cheap one which loaded in approx 2 minutes 40 seconds every time. Options give a choice between one or two players, keyboard or joysticks and a selection of four skill levels.

The fuel gauge is shown on the bottom right hand side and you will notice that it falls at an alarming rate - the only way to sustain flight is to shoot fuel tanks to top it up. Watch for base missiles, gun turrets and the smart robot missiles.

The craft is very responsive with the stick or keys, in fact far better than most flight simulators I've tried. Wiping out installations and missiles of any description scores points, as outlined in the excellent instructions supplied.

When you leave the asteroid, you encounter enemy fighters armed with guided missiles. These look good, silhouetted against the black sky.

Once past these, you arrive at the next asteroid, which is guarded by robots who hurl missiles. Get past these and you are confronted by the "mighty zaxxon".

Scores and remaining craft are shown at the top left hand screen. Excellent graphics and every effective sound are the order of the day in Zaxxon.

This is definitely one to look out for.