Big K


Publisher: Anco
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #9


Give your micro a lobotomy with this endearing but decidedly minless one-dimensional shoot-'em-up. Sixty waves of aliens are marching relentlessly toward your laser base. You must total them before they total you.

There's no original frills of any kind here, as you might imagine, just rapid-fire gonzo action. Boredom, though, is unlikely, due to both the ceaseless challenge and some nicely-drawn aliens, including a swarm of faulty television sets and attacking pocket calculators.

My guess is that you'll need digits honed by weeks of Track And Field to be able to stay the distance and defeat all sixty waves. My pinky had pretty much expired come the attack of the Turning Keys (eek!).

It's all stunningly unoriginal I know, but passable for those of us with only half a brain. If they knocked a quid off the already slightly asking price, it would be well worth buying.