Big K


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Ventamatic
Machine: Spectrum 16K

Published in Big K #9


Wreckage is notable for one thing only; it comes from Spain. If it represents the state of Spectrum software in that long-suffering country, then I think we should all count ourselves lucky.

If Ventamatic are going for U.K. sales, I really think they should get round to translating the game instructions too. No matter, the game takes about one and a half seconds to figure out without them. It's a pretty humdrum Space Invaders shoot-'em-up with the only extra twist being that you must set the range of your lasers correctly.

Various saucers that look like jellyfish ply away at your ground installations. As far as I can make out, there is a Kempston joystick option but the keyboard is entirely adequate for the simple action required.

If this means that Eurosoftware is going to reach the elevation standard of Europop, I'm moving to the States.

Other Reviews Of Wreckage For The Spectrum 16K

Wreckage (Unique)
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