The stated aim of this program is to teach the principal pans of speech in a practical way.
In fact, it is a story writing program in which you form your story from the various word types offered and after choosing a type of word. e.g. verb, you are offered alterative verbs from which to select the one for your story.
It covers the following parts of speech; nouns. adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, adverbs and conjunctions. It also has two levels of difficulty which change the category titles of the words offered.
The idea is that you start with verbs being described as action words before you use the correct title in level 2. The program is based on a good sound idea and is more likely to foster a good understanding of the Structure of English than say the old grammars with which you may be more familiar. The stories you create are not. however. checked in any real way and if you insist you can write complete nonsense (no this review was not written with the program!). Despite this, children will find the idea interesting to say the least.