Without wishing to sound smug or anything, I'll quietly point out that I beat Level One of this on my first go without losing a life. Now, this could mean one of two things. Either a) I'm completely ace, or b) Wonderboy is a bit on the easy side, and maybe designed for the the 'younger player'. What do you reckon? Oh thanks.
Well anyway, Wonderboy is a fairly standard run-alon-avoiding-and-collecting-things stuff. The collectables are generally items of fruit, and the avoidables are things like killer snails and lethal flies. Eek! And possibly worst of all are the terrifying psycho-stones which lie there, menacingly, waiting for you to stumble against them and trip to your death. The scenery scrolls towards you (well, maybe 'lunges' would be a better description), and consists mainly of trees, platforms and water. At the end of it, somewhere, is Wonderboy's girlfriend Tina who needs rescuing.
There are a fair number of levels to get through and, all in all, it's pretty good fun. A bit cute, but fun. As it's so easy I didn't end up ripping out huge handfuls of hair (like I usually do with games like this). In fact, I almost began to enjoy myself at one point.