Wet Zone

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Everiss
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Computer & Video Games #55

Wet Zone

The evil E-Lanes are out to invade Earth, and only you, pilot of the last space interceptor, can stop them.

Clever creatures, these E-Lanes. They have the ability to make their spaceships appear to you in the guise of various objects gleaned from your childhood memories of holidays by the sea. There are submarines, water beetles, umbrellas, icicles, sea eagles, snowflakes, diving dumbells, jellyfish... all most disconcerting for a poor interceptor pilot, but these clever tricks don't do the aliens much good, your plasma bolts can destroy them all.

The key controls are slightly unusual. There are a variety of options for left (Shift, X, V, N, comma) and right (Z, C, B, M, full stop) and you use the second row of keys for up, third row for Fire, and the top row to freeze the game.

The action is fast and furious, and you need all your fingers to stay out of trouble. The music is loud and rather intrusive, and I would have liked the option to turn it off.

It's straightforward arcade action.

Other Reviews Of Wet Zone For The BBC Model B

Wet Zone (Everiss)
A review by Shingo Sugiura (A&B Computing)

Wet Zone (Everiss)
A review by Shingo Sugiura (A&B Computing)