Big K

Warriors Revenge

Publisher: Video Force
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Big K #7

Warriors Revenge

Stunningly inept text adventure apparently written by illiterate seven-year-olds for backward under fives. Yep, this is a real turkey. In fact it's so bad it's almost entertaining.

There's a certain perverse pleasure to be had wading through line after line of risible, pidgin english drivel! In what seems a courageous move for publishing freedom Video Force have taken the spelling-error factor to undreamt of lengths. Never have I seen so many errors grouped together in one place at one time. Having defeated a 'Moster from the bouls of hell', I found myself in 'an earie graveyard guarded by two zombies'. It's a good job I didn't stop to drink at the well as the water tastes 'tearable'. And don't think I'm giving you the highlights here! This awesome level of literacy is maintained throughout the game.

What's more, the layout is sloppy (Would you believe 'press "D" to die'?), the scenario totally unoriginal and the challenge level zero! Oh yeah, it's also written in BASIC. The thing is so duff it could well become a cult hit! How they have the cheek to threaten us with a sequel, I'll never know! Horrendous.