Vortron is a game that requires quite a lot of careful manoeuvering if you are to succeed in mastering it. As play is only controlled by using the joystick you will also need a good steady hand.
The screen contains a small planet in the centre. You may move anywhere around this and fire at the invading aliens. The gravity of the planet causes your missiles to constantly move towards the centre of the screen. Unfortunately it does not have any effect on your movement, it could be fun if it did though!
The aliens come in various shapes and sizes and move in different strategic patterns, you will eventually learn to use these to great effect. Touching the aliens will lead to your destruction. So you think that sounds easy! The problem is that your ship acts under inertia and once you have built up speed it takes quite a lot of stopping.
The sounds are excellent and demonstrate the capabilities of the CBM64 to the limit. This cannot be said of .the graphics though; the shapes are large and simple. The background is quite good, however, giving a vortex effect.
The instructions supplied are printed on the back of the inlay card and are very straightforward. Unfortunately, the names of the aliens are not given.
At first sight I found Vortron quite boring. As I had to give it a fair review I started playing, and now find it quite a tactical challenge and not bad value for money.