Personal Computer Games

Volcanic Planet

Categories: Review: Software
Author: SC
Publisher: Compulogical S.A.
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Personal Computer Games #4

Volcanic Planet

Ever seen a robot get the jitters? Volcanic Planet is android-infested and boy, do they get panicky when you blast them into little bits and send them to that Great Workshop in the sky.

You control a good-guy android as he explores a multi-level maze, moving between levels via lifts that you locate using a small-scale diagram in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

The main display shows your location and features scrolling graphics as you move about blasting enemy androids and hunting for such useful things as oxygen supplies and armour repair packs.

There are five levels of play, and the higher the level the more layers there are to be penetrated.

Once you've reached the bottom of the maze you have to find a 'volcanic plug' and deposit a plasma-bomb beside it. Then it's a race against time to find the lifts and escape before the bomb explodes and floods the maze with molten lava.

The program has no sound, and uses the number keys '3' to '0' which makes things a bit cramped if you don't have a joystick.

The only reward for success is the message 'Mission Completed' that flashes across the screen at the end. The action is fast and smooth however and should afford a few hours amusement.

The program doesn't have a recommended retail price so it may be worth shopping around for the best offer.


Other Reviews Of Volcanic Planet For The Spectrum 48K

Volcanic Planet (Thorn EMI)
A review by D.J. (Home Computing Weekly)

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