The title may lead you to expect an arcade action game, but Vanquisher
is actually a word puzzle.
You are presented with the word 'vanquisher' jumbled up; the object
is to transport the 10 letters of the name along a series of tracks to
a large box. You have to fill this box with the letters in the right
order to produce the name of the program.
There are smaller boxes embedded in the tracks which are used as
temporary stores for the letters. You have to shuffle the letters
between these boxes to get the eventual order right.
The instructions, which appear in the program, are not very helpful, and
the spelling is atrocious!
But, once you get that feel for the game, the object becomes to complete
the puzzle in the minimum number of moves.
The program loaded successfully first time (a refreshing change from a lot
of Oric software), and the use of colour, sound and graphics is good.
However, I doubt whether the program will have any lasting appeal. After
all, once you have completed the puzzle a few times, what else is left to