Sinclair User


Categories: Review: Software
Author: Steve Keen
Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #118


Where did they get this name from? Turrican is a major shoot 'em up blast, first seen last year and it's title has been confusing me ever since.

A mythical science-fiction based, horizontally scrolling shoot 'em' up, Turrican involves clearing five worlds of evil uglies using a space suite man with a futuristic pop gun. Sounds difficult? It is! However to help you along there are plenty of power-ups and special weapons varying from the mildly devastating to the totally annihilating. This includes a a laser whip (OOhh!), a rapid fire laser gun (AAgghh!), smart bombs (KaoBoom!) and mines (and mine's a pint - of milk eh kids?)

The main sprite moves around the battlezone with great speed and agility and by transforming into a gyroscope or by using force shield power up becomes invincible.


Although the graphics and sound aren't stunning, indeed for such a popular game they could have been better, the sheer scale of the action and the speed at which enemies attack, makes this a worthwhile budget buy.

Label: Kixx Memory: 48K/128K Price: £3.99 Reviewer: Steve Keen

Overall Summary

Hop and skip and shoot those baddies. Turrican features lots of action for your money and will not disappoint.

Steve Keen

Other Reviews Of Turrican For The Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Turrican (Kixx)
A review by Rich Pelley (Your Sinclair)

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