Tunnels Of Doom

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Parco Electrics
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Computer & Video Games #44

Tunnels Of Doom

Tunnels Of Doom is the first fantasy offering available for the TI owner and offers two games. Pennies And Prizes is a game designed for children and demonstration purposes. The dungeon is comprised of one to four floors and there are eight quest objects to find.

The game is for one player and options are given to construct a new dungeon or restock a previously prepared one.

Movements are made through the keys and "M" displays the unexplored and chartered areas. Party status reports are available and selections are shown for levels of difficulty.

Quest Of The King is the main adventure and does contain monsters, weapons and magical items. For a sample quest, select "continue current game" from the display. Three characters, Eric Seablade, Mauve d'Orm-mul, and Forestall Grimm are displayed and are given the opportunity to purchase rations and weapons from the store.

They then continue to move as directed by the player. The characters are able to fight, negotiate and change weapons. Quest objects have time limitations and throughout the adventure a "clock" counts the steps taken by the trio. If you do not locate objects within a certain time, they are destroyed.

Secret doors, vaults, in fact the whole gamut of fantasy is involved in Tunnels Of Doom which is an adventure requiring lots of dedication.

You are able to select from the amount of floors in the dungeon and are asked a series of questions as to difficulty, armament, and nature of the player (fighter, wizard, hero or rogue).

However, the sample quest will enable you to establish the feel of the game.

Moody background music and superb graphics really show the Texas at its best.