This game is a variation on a theme, but nonetheless an enjoyable variation.
The idea is to track around the squares of a grid, trailing a coloured line after you.
Sounds easy? Don't you believe it! Whether by accident or design, the line that you "pull" after you is very reluctant to follow.
Just when you think that you have got it made, zap! the trail flies back as though it were on elastic.
This in spite of the fact that you can program in the speed to suit yourself; you can also program in the number of nasties that chase you.
Luckily you can pick up your trail from any loose end, and if you manage to cover the four corners you have a limited time to eat up the nasties.
You will have no problems with loading - it's only after loading that your problems start.
I would strongly advise you to start with the slowest speed, and only one nasty to chase you. That way your sanity will only go gradually. Otherwise, the men in white coats will soon be coming for you.