Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: M.D.R.
Publisher: Soft Joe's Software
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #34

This is a Pacman version with a difference.

The idea is to drive a train, complete with carriages, around a closed loop railway network on the screen, picking up passengers as you go.

Easy, you think, but there is a "killer train" out to get you. You are destroyed if you hit the killer train. There is also a tunnel on the screen that you can go through, but only from right to left. If you go the other way then you are destroyed.

As in most arcade games, you have three lives. As the game goes on, the train moves faster and faster, and the number of carriages increases after every screen of passengers is cleared.

This is a very challenging game that makes good use of graphics and sound. The train noises and whistle-blowing is very realistic.

Control of the train is difficult at first, but can be mastered with practice, and there is a joystick option which can be more difficult than using the keyboard.

The instructions are printed by a little train chugging across the screen. Amusing as this is the first time, it soon loses its appeal as it takes about five minutes to print the whole thing!


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