Big K


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: New Generation
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #7


Now humping a dustbin up and down the road may well be fun but it's not really what we've come to expect from New Generation, is it? I mean, just where are the dinosaurs? I've scoured the streets, and ransacked the gardens, but I've yet to find a single one. Highly disappointing. A Malcolm Evans game without dinosaurs is simply not on.

Visually, Trashman is the most resplendent offering yet from the Evans pen. The scrolling townscape in which the dinosaur hides is breathtaking, with quite astounding attention paid to detail. Herbaceous borders are painted a delicate mottled green and a variety of vehicles litter the road. It's real state of the art landscaping.

Your task as the titular Trashman is to empty all the bins from a specified area before your bonus points reach zero. This is surprisingly hard as tramping across gardens is frowned upon by the points department and dogs weaned on nether regions lurk in the shadows. Seasoned Trashmen can earn bonus points by humouring cretinous residents and taking sustenance in the local hostelry, although this is not to be overdone. It's all highly original stuff. If only I could find that dinosaur...

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