There you are, surrounded by a brick wall with only one narrow exit. So off you go, down to the bottom of the screen. Suddenly, crazy bricks start appearing to block your escape route.
At the lower levels of this engaging game, your man has little trouble in negotiating these obstacles to freedom. In fact, it's so easy the game hardly seems worth playing.
But, step up to one of the higher of five levels and the masonry comes crashing down around you. Before you know it you have been bricked into a tiny prison.
The only choice left to you is to take one of the two oblong white blocks and demolish your tiny prison, hoping you won't be caught more than twice before you make good your escape.
Graphically, Trap is not very interesting, consisting of a characterless little man and simple red bricks. But at its higher levels, it can become a fast and compulsive bid for freedom.