Big K

Transistors Revenge

Publisher: Softspot
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Big K #5

Transistors Revenge

"Your computer is revolting," I was informed by the instructions. I was offended. Dog-ends apart, it seemed clean enough. Reading on, things became clearer.

It seems that there's a massive power struggle going on inside the computer. The CPU has been abusing its position of power and the lesser components are rebelling, they come steaming down the circuit tracks with malicious intent. You move a fire pointer from pin to pin giving the unruly components the old one-two before they get too close.

If they reach the chip it's Zapsville. As time goes by, word gets round that there's a shoot-out at the O.K. 6502. You get bombarded by more and faster components and the going gets pretty tough. In later pages the circuit tracks form more complicated shapes, and you've got your work cut out just trying to see where they come from.

Transistors Revenge is fast and furious. Nice, smooth presentation and enough action to keep you permanently on your toes. If you imagine Space Invaders tied in a few knots and then shoved into a tumber dryer you'll have a pretty fair idea of what's going on.