Tower Of Babel

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Rainbird
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Computer & Video Games #103

Tower Of Babel

Here you are, stuck in the sprawling tower of Babel, with nothing save your wits and three programmable robot spiders to assist you in your escape. The spiders - Grabber, Pusher and Zapper, can be moved around the patchwork landscape and made to grab, push and zap objects and baddies, allowing easy access to the Klondike keys which open the routes to more demanding levels.

The Klondikes are always heavily guarded in places which at first glance look inaccessible, but with a bit of cunning (and a good knowledge of how to exploit each object's characteristics). Tower Of Babel is an unusual game - no fast and furious blasting of enemy hordes, just good, honest arcade strategy made even more appetising by the pretty 3D graphics.

You'll probably hate the first few goes, but beat a couple of the levels and you'll be hooked.


Tower Of Babel won't be to everyone's taste, but if you're big on strategy games and want something a little extra, check this out.

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