Double Gold: Top Secret Plus Mountains Of Ket

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Incentive
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Computer & Video Games #72

Double Gold

Double Gold is Incentive's label for packages with two adventures on one cassette. The only thing the games have in common is that they have all been written using Incentive's Graphic Adventure Creator.

The main game here is Top Secret. As an ace reporter, you are approached by a Government "mole" about a new weapons system on which you have been working, and which is likely to change the world's balance of power. You are asked to enter the top secret military establishment, and expose the story.

Having agreed, and knowing the approximate location of the underground complex, you set off into the countryside. It is now a matter of finding one of the two entrances, and getting in unobserved. Not so easy, for a likely route through a drainage tunnel leads to a gassy death, or alternatively, death by mauling dogs. Of course, there could be a way around this...

Taking another route leads you to the nearby farm, and this is where total frustration with the game sets in. A coat is hanging on the line in the back garden, but GET COAT merely provoked the program to me I couldn't, with no hint, even after examining both coat and line, as to why.

Perhaps then, I wasn't yet in the back garden? So I entered the back garden, and the police immediately arrested me as a thief - they had been called in by the farmer.

Not very inspiring to play, despite the possibilities that such a topical scenario had to offer.

Coming with Mountains Of Ket, that golden oldie in illustrated GAC form, is the saving grace in terms of value, for this package.

Other Reviews Of Double Gold: Top Secret Plus Mountains Of Ket For The Amstrad CPC464

Mountains Of Ket/Top Secret (Incentive)
A review by The Pilgrim (Amstrad Action)