Your Sinclair


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Players
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #39


One of the banes of my life has always been shoot-'em-ups that are just so difficult you can't get anywhere at all. I bought one recently for the ST (spit) that everyone had said was amazingly groovy, but I never lasted for more than 20 seconds, so that was 20 nicker chucked down the drain. At least with the Speccy budget games you're only wasting a tenth of that price, but it's a pain nontheless.

Try as I might, I could get nowhere on this blasted game, much as it's beautifully drawn and animated, if a little slow. It's a vertical scroller in the Slapfight mode, with you flying low level over an automated island full of robots and gun emplacements firing at you. But it's so hard that in the end it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity. If, though, you really are a shoot-'em-up whizz kid and you're finding everything else a touch on the peasy side, this is highly recommended. But I dunno — methinks even Jon-Boy Davies would have problems with this one.

Other Reviews Of Tomcat For The Spectrum 48K

Budget Bureau
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Tomcat (Players)
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