Tobruk: The Clash Of Armour

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: PSS
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Computer & Video Games #63

Tobruk - The Clash of Armour

This member of the PSS Wargamers series runs on the Amstrad only. It is mis-named, since it deals with Rommel's offensive against the Gazala line in May 1942, with Tobruk as the final objective.

The player has only the choice of German forces against the computer, but two can play with linked Amstrads.

The game is good in its handling of strategy problems. The Germans are given variable air support and moving supply dumps to stress the importance of supply for this kind of warfare.

The graphics are among the best I've seen for representing military formations in the desert. The problem is that it's ever too soon. You can only take one side in one battle of the war.

The reason for this is that all the extra program memory has gone into an optional feature - a tank simulator. The designers call this an arcade option, but it's more than that.

Nor is it as out of place as it seems in a strategy game - Rommel frequently left his headquarters with plans for the battle and led from the front in a command tank (although I doubt if he personally fired on as many British tanks as this game allows!)

Attempts to mix strategy and shooting in games usually don't work very well - this is one of the better ones.

Other Reviews Of Tobruk 1942 For The Amstrad CPC464

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Tobruk (PSS)
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