Well, good old Planet earth is under attack yet again. This time it's a race called Terrilons attempting to scare or confuse by impersonating objects and creatures from different time periods. You are the brave hero attempting to repulse the nasties in your space ship. By using a Time Vector Tracker (good stuff this) you can enter any of the time zones and do battle.
You are given the usual side view with right to left scrolling. You can move to any position on the screen giving a useful degree of manoueverability. There are five screens with interesting meanies, each with its own method of attack. The design of the nasties is very nice and highly reminiscent of the style of a certain Llama loving software author. The movement of the stars gives a feeling of depth. Whilst the earlier screens are fairly easy, things get rather evil by the time you reach screen five.
Generally, rather a ripping game which is pretty to watch and exhausting to play. Not too original but good fun all the same.