Total Game Boy

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Machine: Game Boy Color

Published in Total Game Boy Issue 08

I'm Tiger Woods!

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000

Golf games have come in for more than their fair share of derision through the years, with the average game that doesn't involve colourful cartoon characters or innumerable sub-games being blasted for lack of imagination and the sheer boredom factor. Most of this has been unfair as your average PGA simulator makes a delightful change from rowdy, action-packed sports cars. Tiger Woods 2000, however, is simply rubbish.

We don't make a statement like that lightly. Rarely has such a boring, badly planned piece of clap-trap made its way onto the Game Boy's hallowed screen. It's one thing to try and recreate golf with just a robotic player swinging round the course, but the makers of this game have gone even further in the adaptation of gameplay, making a relaxing eighteen hole match seem like the most boring maths lesson ever.

The opening options and game capabilities do give you a little hope at first, despite the mindless music, FX and simplistic design. You can choose one of eight players, both professional and fictitious, and even change their names. There is also a good choice of course and game type. As far as hand-held games go, therefore, it does offer a pleasing level of variety and lastability.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000

However, the actual game itself is mind-numbingly dull, with badly-drawn courses being manoeuvred with nothing but a good level of luck and the ability to fiddle with several dull gauges. You have absolutely no power over Tiger or the other players which reduces every swing, putt and aim into a mere game of dull mathematical estimation. If you enjoy golf games, don't put a Tiger in your console.

Second Opinion

After the superb Mario Golf, my previously-held opinion that golf games are generally dull went out of the window. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 however is here to remind you of just how bad a virtual stroll around eighteen holes can be.

Poor graphics and incredibly boring gameplay make this a sleep-inducing title, even if you've only just got out of bed! The choice in players and courses just can't make up for the lack of excitement. Keep well away from this game if you know what's good for you! Zzzzz...


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000

Graphics 10%
Unimpressive, even in colour.

Sound 60%
Totally uninspiring FX.

Playability 40%
Has all the charm of school dinners.

Lastability 60%
If it's your thing, let it swing.

Overall 43%
Golf games just got more boring.