The One

Tiger Road

Author: Paul Presley
Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in The One #32

Tiger Road

Otherwise known as 'one man and his axe', Capcom's hack 'n slash scroller first saw the light of day in 1987, to be greeted by a barrage of critical disinterest.

Sadly, things haven't improved with age. The 'man with weapon beating up wave after wave of bad guys' idea has been done to death by now - and Tiger Road wasn't a good example of the genre in the first place.

There are a couple of nice points though, notably in the audio department. The Oriental music is nicely rendered (although it's nothing special by today's standards) and the sound effects are rather good, except that they don't quite fit the action.

Never a classic, Tiger Road now can't hold its own amongst the likes of Turrican and Gods, even at this low price of £7.99.

Paul Presley

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