Live movies, all computer games are just variations of a handful of
plots or themes. So what makes one computer game better than
another when they both have the same underlying theme? The
answer to that one is not easy at times, although there are times
when the answer is blatantly obvious. Every now and again, though
you get a combination which 'clicks', and makes for a very playable
game. Such a combination is to be found in this game which ranks
among my own personal league of addictive games. The theme is simple;
whilst fighting off flying baddies you have to kill off a colony of
something or other which are hatching out at the bottom of the screen.
The only thing which will kill off the hatching "things" is a
rock, or boulder, which appears at the top of the screen. By nudging
the rock you manoeuvre it until it eventually falls to the bottom of
the screen, hopefully killing something. It may sound easy, and at
first sight it may look easy, but after two hours I had only managed
to get through eight different screens. My verdict: different,
enjoyable, and to me, addictive.