An adventure with delightfully animated graphics. Release the
land of Dorcasia from the influence of the wizard Zendos
by finding and releasing the power of twelve spells, then say the
magic word. Just one snag! The words are written in a runic
script, and you have to work out its meaning by collecting clues.
The graphics are Miner-esque rather than Hobbit-esque, and the
elves, goblins, metamorphs and objects can be seen as your
animated figure moves about. Rather fine. Not only that, but
when you find an inscription, it is mercifully added to the list
of things that you are carrying. I found the graphics a real
bonus. They added considerably to my pleasure.
The inlay instructions are really detailed, as are the
directions for saving your position to tape or Microdrive,
though not the whole program. Shame!
One of the best things about the structure of this adventure is
that it does give you a decent chance to get started before it
gets awkward. Compulsive fun, but rather pricey.