Big K

The Pink Pearl

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Astrosoft Games
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Big K #7

The Pink Pearl

A pot pourri of adventure cliches in which you play a famous explorer injtent on finding the fabulous Pink Pearl of Ttaroani.

As befits an adventure of very little brain, the game has been populated by all manner of standard 'venture denizens (trolls, werewolves, dragons, zzzzzz) and the objects and treasures gleefully dispensed with no feel for either coherence or sense. You're just as likely to find a grenade as the Holy Grail amongst the on-screen debris! What's worse, the author has shown little regard to possible player input, resulting in "I don't understand" messages with almost every keystroke.

It's also a piece of cake to play. I managed to vist almost half of the 180 locations in the first half hour and then promptly gave up after encountering sudden death for the umpteenth time.

In short, this is a mess of not inconsiderably proportions, and consequently is a far from welcome advert for The Quill.