Big K

The Odyssey Of Hope

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Martech
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #7

The Odyssey Of Hope

Having ransacked Tolkein, the Legends of Ancient Greece seem to be next in line for software exploitation. And why not! The place was obviously made with adventures and simulations in mind.

In this scenario the gods of Mount Olympus are well cheesed off. Some rascal has stolen Hope from poor ol' Pandora's box and us mortals are in an advanced state of despair. The skies have blackened and lightning bolts stab from the sky. Zeus is clearly off his chump. Only you can venture out and recover Hope for all mankind.

Much effort has been spent on creating an authentic world here, and all to great effect. Indeed, followers of the period will have a definite advantage over us lesser mortals when it comes to solving the quest. All the locations are illustrated, but these appear instantly so playability has not been sacrificed. Written description though are sparse, I'd have preferred more evocative text to be honest, but then that's all a matter of taste.

From my initial wanderings, I'd say that the game is of a fair size and offers adequate headaches. If the subject matter appeals then this is well worth checking out.

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