Computer Gamer

The Movie Monster Game

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Epyx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer Gamer #22

The Movie Monster Game

Here's a break from the usual monster bashing or alien zapping games as it gives you the chance to wipe out the city of your choice with one of six classic monsters.

You can total Tokyo as Godzilla, have a bite to eat in New York as Mr Meringue, slide into London as the Glog or roam around Moscow as a giant robot.

Once there you must complete one of the scenarios by either eating as much as you can, stomping a famous landmark, find your long lost youngster or create as much damage as possible before the local army and air force gun you down.

Each monster has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. For example, Mechnatron the giant robot is very powerful and blasts anything in its way with its laser the glog is slower and weaker but relies on its acid touch.

Unfortunately, this great idea that once appeared as an Atari game has been spoilt by slow gameplay and poor graphics. The result is dull.

Other Reviews Of The Movie Monster Game For The Commodore 64/128

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