With a story book, story tape, parents' book, overlay and computer program,
this comprehensive package brings learning for the under-eights right into
the Eighties.
Parent and child follow the story, while listening to Tori Arthur reading it.
Then the program offers activities: buying ingredients, giving change or
making spells. The selected activity, say "buying ingredients", states which
side of the overlay to use, then five number lines 30p long appear, with
magician, his cauldron over a fire and a purse of change above.
The child buys the ingredients above the number line, counting how much it
costs. Using the coloured overlay, coin keys are pressed - with rubout key
available. If wrong, the magician shows how it should be done with large
letters, using upper and lower case.
The child will eventually be able to operate the program on its own. The
parent's guide finished with Away from the Computer Practice to reinforce
what has been learnt!
I cannot praise this program highly enough - try it with your child!