ZX Computing

The Happiest Days Of Your Life

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Firebird
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in ZX Computing #31

The Happiest Days Of Your Life

Firebird's latest pocket money game is a schoolboy caper featuring an animated scallywag out to retrieve the headmaster's wallet that he's nicked and then lost. Can he avoid explusion? This largely depends on your ability to steer him through the school building and grounds searching for clues to the whereabouts of the head's dosh.

All the basics of the game work well enough, the graphics are large and bright and, despite the odd annoying colour clash, quite pleasing to look at. The number of rooms and outside locations is quite surprising and it's quite a lot of fun just exploring. There are no really nasty surprises as the flying energy sappers such as hovering canes and twirling jellies in the school kitchen present little hazard. You can pick up and two objects of which they seem to be an almost unlimited supply. Quite which objects were meant to help you eluded me and all you get from the instructions are some rather cryptic hints such as "map your way to the secret passage, turning over a new leaf en route".

However, if you like problem-solving games in the hunt the object type vein this will probably appeal. Well worth the price on presentation alone, it may not give you the happiest day of your life or even a wildly exciting one but if you want to settle for an afternoon of quiet diversion, this game will do.

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