The Eye Of Zolton

Categories: Game Help

Author: Barbara Gibb
Published in EUG #58


  1. You are limited to a total of five items carried at a time, and the bucket and water count as two.
  2. The five sacred objects are crown, Excalibur, harb, orb and shield. The other treasures are armour, book, chalice, coins, diamonds, ring, rubies and sceptre.

Start in a woodcutter's hut, and can see a box which you can't open at the moment. INVENTORY (nothing), S, S, E, READ SIGN (Warning not to stray from the path), E (Castle wall), HELP, SAY PASSWORD (Transported inside castle).

U, N, E, E, N, N (Kitchen), E (Store-room), TAKE SHOVEL, W, N (Cupboard), TAKE TORCH, S, S, S, S, E (Wizard's library), TAKE BOOK, LOOK (See a secret passage), DROP BOOK (for later), GO PASSAGE, N (Opposite direction to arrow), E, S, TAKE rusty KEYS, S, W (Library), W, UNLOCK DOOR (Need rusty keys), W (Wizard's bedroom), TAKE EYE, RUB EYE, TAKE MATCHES, LIGHT TORCH, DROP MATCHES, E, N, W, W, S, S, D, S, W (Door locked), UNLOCK DOOR (Need rusty keys), DROP KEYS, W (Armoury), E, D, S (Open Chamber), DIG (Need shovel), LOOK (See magic ring), TAKE RING, RUB RING (Genie appears and drops something), LOOK (See a scroll), TAKE SCROLL, READ SCROLL (#1), DROP SCROLL, N, U, W, TAKE EXCALIBUR, E, N, U, N, N, E, E, D, E (Dusty room), READ SIGN (#2), W, U, S, E (Library), GO PASSAGE, N, E, S, E, E, READ PLAQUE (Need lit torch), DROP TORCH, SAY MINOTAUR (Transported back to outside the castle), W, W, N, W (End of canyon), DROP SHOVEL, THROW EYE (It glows, enters the groove in the door then the eye and door disappear), GO CAVERN (inside Temple of Zolton), DROP EXCALIBUR (+30 points), DROP RING (+10 points). [Score = 40/270]

S, E, S, E, E, S (Tall trees - note rubies for later), W, TAKE small KEY, W, N, E, SAY PASSWORD, U, N, E, E, S, W (Wizard's bedroom), UNLOCK WARDROBE (Need small key), LOOK, TAKE GLOVES, E, S, D (Dungeon), S, U, U (Top of tower), N (Almost empty room), TAKE ORB (Must be carrying the gloves), S, D, D, N, U, N, N, N (Main hall), TAKE CHALICE, S, S, E, GO PASSAGE, N, E, S, E, E, SAY MINOTAUR (Outside castle), S (Tall trees), TAKE RUBIES, N, W, W, N, W, GO CAVERN, DROP CHALICE (+20 points), DROP ORB (+60 points), DROP RUBIES (+10 points). [Score = 130/270]

S, DROP GLOVES, E, S, E, E, SAY PASSWORD, U, N, E, E, N, N (Kitchens), TAKE BEANS, E (Storeroom), TAKE BUCKET (Broom is a red herring), W, S, S, W, W, S, S, D, S, W (Armoury), TAKE SHIELD, E, N, U, N, N, E, E, S, E, GO PASSAGE, N, E, S, E, E, SAY MINOTAUR, W, W, N, N (Woodcutter's hut), UNLOCK BOX (Need small key), DROP KEY, LOOK, TAKE COINS, S, S, S (Beside lake), READ SIGN, GIVE COIN (to man), N, N, W, DROP BEANS, DROP BUCKET, GO CAVERN, DROP COINS (+5 point), S, TAKE SHOVEL, E, S, W, TAKE WOOD, E, S, GO BOAT, ROW BOAT (Need wood as paddle), S (Now on island), INVENTORY (Ensure you are carrying the shield), S (Need shield to blind tiger), DIG (Need shovel), LOOK (See a small hole), DROP SHOVEL, N, GO BOAT, ROW BOAT, S, S, DROP BEANS (into hole), DROP WATER, LOOK (See a giant beanstalk), DROP BUCKET, GO BEANSTALK, U (On a cloud), S, TAKE HARP, N, D, D, N, GO BOAT, ROW BOAT, N, DROP WOOD, N, N, W, GO CAVERN, DROP HARD (+30 points). [Score = 185/270]

S, E, S, E, E, SAY PASSWORD, U, S, D, S, W (Armoury), TAKE ARMOUR, E, N, U, N, N, E, E, S, E, TAKE BOOK, READ BOOK, READ SPELLS (See one for "fireball"), W, S, D, S, S (Dungeon cell - see scorch marks on one wall), SAY FIREBALL (Hole in wall), GO HOLE (Must be carrying armour - now in treasure room), TAKE DIAMONDS, TAKE CROWN, TAKE SCEPTRE, N, N, N, U, N, E, GO PASSAGE, N, E, S, E, E, SAY MINOTAUR, W, W, N, W, GO CAVERN, DROP ARMOUR (+15 points), DROP CROWN (+30 points), DROP DIAMONDS (+10 points), DROP SCEPTRE (+15 points), DROP BOOK (+15 points). [Score = 270/270]

Clue #1 - maoigntgoztxcabuqar

Clue #2 - "To escape you must get one, skip two, get one, skip one, and start again."

This decodes as MaoIgNtgOzTxcAbUaR = MINOTAUR

Barbara Gibb