Big K

The Character Generator

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Interactive Software People
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #7

The Character Generator

Useful little package from those awfully nice Scope people that enables you painlessly to design UDGs as either graphic symbols or lettering sets. The advantages of a new character are of course modest, but they'll certainly add some of that elusive professional polish to your BASIC programs, particularly Adventures.

Surprisingly impressive on-screen effects can be created simply by alternating between the new character set and the built-in one. A couple of POKES are all that's required.

Six pre-defined sets (love the Algerian) come ready to use so tired listings can be revamped immediately and as you might imagine it's compatible with Big Daddy Scope as well as other machine code software. I jazzed up a Quill game with it to great effect. Worth checking out even if it is priced a quid or so over the odds.

Other Reviews Of The Character Generator For The Spectrum 48K

Character Generator (ISP Marketing)
A review by D.C. (Home Computing Weekly)

The Character Generator (ISP)
A review by Richard Price (Sinclair User)