The game itself couldn't possibly live up to its superlative-laden advertising
("Simply the Best!", "A New Dimension", etc, etc). It is pretty good, though, with
excellent graphics. The "incredible sound effects" are fair but unimpressive, the
"100% machine code" is very fast, and the control keys are responsive, if somewhat
In the centre of the screen is the Black Hole. from which alien spacecraft emerge in
three directions. You have three weapons to destroy them with.
Your spaceship is confined to (he left half of the screen, where you are in danger of
colliding with indestructible objects in constant motion up and down.
The game is difficult and takes practice - happily Quest have included a practice mode.
But to egg you on is the thought that your high score might get to win a t-shirt, or
even to compete in a championship at the end of the year...