Computer Gamer


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 16

Published in Computer Gamer #21


In this action arcade game you play the part of 'Tazz', a real playboy who adores parties. Anyway Tazz can't believe his luck when his employers 'Bug Exterminators Unlimited/Unreliable', a very dodgy firm if ever I heard one, send him gatecrashing to a mega rave up inside a computer. Tazz is quickly put through a shrinking process and soon enough finds himself at the party but things aren't as good as they seem.

The hosts of the part are a bunch of rather unfriendly 'bugs' who soon develop a personality crisis with our hero and any contact between Tazz and them results in an early departure. Now, being the true wide-boy that he is, Tazz hates leaving early and quickly realises that if there is any fun to be had the bugs must be eliminated. The elimination process appears to be easy at first, but the walls around the room quickly close in to crush poor old Tazz.

The bugs must be destroyed quickly in order to avoid being crushed to death by the walls and to progress to the next stage. As you enter each screen the amount of bugs increase and the task becomes even more difficult when the other guests start to attack you.

Bizarre creatures such as wild butterflies and razor sharp scythes are out to get you in this fast-paced and highly competitive game which requires a lot of skill to beat.