Your Sinclair

Tasword Three

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Max Phillips
Publisher: Tasman
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #6

Write On...

In the beginning was Tasword. Somewhere in the middle was YS issue 1 with news of The Writer and Word Manager. Now, not quite at the end, Max Phillips looks at the new Tasword 3...

There are poor demented People with posh computers who think you can't do anything 'serious' with a Speccy. As if playing games wasn't a serious business. They even take pity on it and call it 'the humble Spectrum'. Since when has anything Sinclair been humble, huh? And they laugh if you say you can wordprocess on it.

The cure for these people is to get them a copy of Tasword 3 and tell 'em where they can load it. Not that the new Tasword cures all the problems of the Spectrum. It doesn't make keyboards grow or microdrives quicker or... Nor does it do anything that hasn't been done before. Like 64 characters across the screen or fancy page formatting.

What it does do though, is turn your Spectrum into a very usable, modern wordprocessor. And in particular, it incorporates most of what Tasword II users have been asking for and casually does the kind of thing newer programs such as SofTechnic's The Writer do - you know, those little extras like word counts, free space indicators and so on.


The new program has a lot of its predecessor in it - it looks the same and has the same weird habits like letting you drive the cursor through thin air past the end of your text. But the real hassles with the old program are all long gone. It's also pretty radical in that it only works with microdrives; there is no cassette version.

There's around 17K free for documents - about 3000 characters less than alternatives but no great loss. Tasword is pretty speedy even with long documents (it scrolls better than some arcade games) and the only real time-sink as waiting for those 'drives when it goes for the main menu.

Handing blocks of text is still done by marking their start and end with two special characters. Like its rivals, Tasword is a bit sloppy here because you can put lots of markers in at once. It can get a bit slow as well because Tasword doesn't keep an eye on where they are and has to go and look for them whenever you do a block operation.

Movin' And Mergin'

Moving stuff between files is also a pain - you have to do Word Manager-style contortions of merging text and then block moving. A saving grace is the new extend-Z which does a copy but leaves the markers in place so you can repeat the copy several times.

The vast array of editing commands (mostly extended key sequences) covers everything you can think of. Some of the stuff that's appeared since Tasword II, like 'ignore case' and manual or automatic search and replace is all there as well.

Custom Made

But the best bit of all is customisation menu. These go beyond the normal setting up for your printer interface (which is a bit iffy - you might need to type in some - shock, horror - lines of Basic). You can save versions of the program with your own margin and tab settings, help screens, printer control codes, screen colours and so on. So everything's just how you like it when you RUN the cartridge. Neat!

And I shouldn't forget to mention the great 64-page manual, on-screen tutorial program. Tas II to Tas III document converter and... All in all, Tasword III is good enough to be a strong alternative to The Writer, Word Manager or anything else knocking about on the Speccy. And it's out now, works reliably and does a good job.

So it hasn't quite got the same fabled - oops, fabulous - list of goodies as The Writer. But it's close enough to give you a hard time choosing one or the other. Someone we know was a bit miffed when YS called Tasword the "undisputed King of Speccy wordpros". Sorry... It was a touch unthinking. We should have realised that it's far from undisputed. But King? Yep, possibly so....

Max Phillips

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