Sequel to Renegade (Ooh, no, I'd never have guessed, give me a drink of water), Target Renegade is in fact considerably better, and overall one of the best beat-'em-ups yet to appear. The charm lies partly in the way the programmers haven't spoiled the action by trying for over ambitious graphics, and partly in the way that mindless violence is brought to such a high peak of perfection.
Fighting your way through four levels of Scumville (honest) - multi-storey car park, street, park and shopping mall - the Renegade has a selection of gentlemanly fighting moves including jump kick, grab-and-nut, punch, back kick, to use against Mr Big's goons. Because the characters are monochrome and the background's only four-colour, you can concentrate on the action, which is fast and furious.
The enemies includes bikers, gun-toting pimps, hookers, skinheads and dog-handlers. The best part is that you can interact with objects such as motorbikes and sledgehammers - kick thugs off the bikes, pick up their sledgehammers and swing them at them. It's a gas!
In the end you encounter Mr Big in his bar, and if you can subdue him you're a better man than I am.
Target: Renegade is a big challenge and a smooth ride. Give it a bash. Then give it a kick. Then jump on its head.