
Target Renegade

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Zzap #69

Target Renegade

After rescuing your girlfriend in Renegade, the sequel required you to avenge your brother's murder by a vicious gang. In classic beat-'em-up fashion, you have to punch and kick your way through five horizontally scrolling levels. Hell's Angels bikers, "ladies of the night", skinheads, Beastie Boys fans with Rottweilers and Mr. Big himself all have to be beaten up. On most levels, some of the thugs wield weapons (baseball bats, whips, snooker cues, etc) which you can pick up and use when they're dropped.

Originally reviewed in issue 36, the game was favourably received, earning 84%. All three reviewers appreciated the game's high quality cartoon-style graphics. However, although everyone gave it a thumbs up, there were mixed opinions about the gameplay. Gordon Houghton found it "not just a simple beat-'em-up, a whole range of different characters with individual skills and personalities are combatted with unique strategies". On the other hand, Paul Glancey revealed, "Many of the baddies are easily beaten up by moving up to them, holding the joystick in the PUNCH position and repeatedly pressing the fire button."

The latter opinion is true for the most part and gameplay can get repetitive. Still, there is a pleasing amount of graphical variety and the baddies do have a lot of character - I especially like the whip-wielding women (Ahem! - Ed). It's also a tough game to get through - especially when you take on gun-wielding baddies with only your fists! Although there's only a few fighting moves, Target Renegade is a fun way to release pent-up aggression.