A superbly drawn loading screen leads, after a jolly tune, straight into a demonstration of the game which revolves around the working life of a frenzied bartender, who tries to keep an endless flow of thirsty customers contented. The next screen allows you to; read three pages of clear instructions in redefined character set; change the number of players; change the skill level; and choose keyboard or joystick.
You have to keep throwing sodas, collecting tips and the empty glasses that customers sling back to you. If you supply too many sodas, fail to collect an empty glass or fail to serve a customer on any of the four tables then you lose one of your four lives.
Successfully serving all the customers in the first, Old West Saloon leads to the Jock Bar, then the Punk Bar and finally the Space Bar with a visit to the Soda Bandit's Bunko Booth between each screen, where you must decide which Pepsi can is unshaken and won't spray you when it's opened.
Selecting the correct can in the Bonus Round scores 3,000 and picking up tips 1,500, plus the appearance of two dancing girls on stage causing customers to watch and allow drinks slung to them to fall 0 ff the bar. Each mug caught scores 100 points and a screen completed 1,000. The score is displayed screen top left, and lives at right.
A very playable game that easily becomes addictive, but an unserved customer can become murderous - be warned.