A&B Computing


Publisher: Design People
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in A&B Computing 4.04


I recently reviewed Design People's first computer battlegame Sink The Bismark and commented at the time that it seemed an ideal introduction to the world of computer battlegaming.

Now comes an even more complex game with 37K of game split up into sections which load when required. Set in the Second World War, you can choose one of three scenarios: Western Europe 1944, North Africa 1942 and The Russian Front 1943. The game begins with a choice of sides and then a suitable combination of tanks and support vehicles before being presented with an objective to achieve and the real game starts.

Using your tactical skills you must defeat the enemy forces to capture a certain spot on a three-screen playing area. All the time you must balance the competing demands of advancing your tanks and defeating enemy positions, ensuring that petrol supplies are in the right position and using engineers to clear paths through minefields or over damaged bridges.

It is certainly a game that makes you think and the computer makes a formidable opponent, even when you 'cheat' by picking a better combination of tanks at the start. I don't know what the traditional wargaming fraternity will make of this, but I think it is excellent and, even more than Sink The Bismark, will provide a wide audience to turn to a different sort of strategy game.

I'm sure that this would appeal to far more of you than you suppose - try it and see!