For anyone familiar with 64-column displays, the 32-column Spectrum format seems
rather cramped. Here is a program to solve that. Load it, and half-width characters
are printed on a 64-column basis. Even listings appear at 64 characters per line.
There was one slight snag with loading the tape - to be precise, two. First, it was
found that the 16K and 48K versions were on each other's sides of the tape, and then
it was found that LOAD"" was more successful than the recommended LOAD "" CODE, as it
brought the initialising routine into action.
The actual conversion program lies at the top of store, taking up nearly 2K of RAM
(F7A9-FF58 in 48K). It changes the interrupt mode, so that it can poke its nose into
the action and perform the necessary conversions.
These appear to be the replacement of normal character shapes by half-width versions
that are combined in pairs as single characters to be output.
The process is not without its difficulties. Picking up the interrupt for a fresh
screen calls for the addition of PAUSE 1 after each clear screen command. Command
lines at the bottom of the screen appear in small characters at normal spacing.
In general, the system works, though the narrow characters are not always as clear
as might be wished. It also works on the printer, providing a PRINT action is
called before each LPRINT. The character size can be switched from normal size to
half size within a given display, and for new Basic programs it gives useful added
flexibility of presentation.