Rosetta is the trade name of Mark Alston, aged 33, who has produced an extremely praiseworthy package in Syphax. It's deal-a-page Teletext style magazine of puzzles, facts, quizzes, demonstration programs and so on.
Loading takes two or three minutes but is very reliable. To start, you simply enter your chosen three-digit page number from the displayed index and the selected subject is screened very quickly.
Enter an alternative reference and your Spectrum quickly "thumbs through" the magazine to produce your next selection.
Mark has done a splendid job in compiling Syphax, and I enjoyed browsing through the magazine.
But the main bonus is that the program is designed so that you can alter any page to suit your needs, so that it would form a good base for a family, club or class magazine or for computer pen-pal correspondence.
It may also prove of value to a business user, with each page holding customer names and addresses and other information.
At the price, Syphax is a bargain, and I look forward to Rosetta's next offering with great interest.