The One

Super Monaco Grand Prix

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in The One #50

Super Monaco Grand Prix (Kixx)

Super Monaco Grand Prix is the official conversion of the Sega coin-op of the same name, with a few minor changes. The arcade machine contained only one course (which is quite limiting) and, understandably, the conversion team decided to beef-up the computer version and chuck in an extra three tracks, with access to Monaco only granted when successful qualification from the previous tracks is achieved.

The game is a sprite-based racer with fast-moving and sufficiently smooth-scrolling graphics streaking past at an impressive rate of knots. The car has three sensitivity options, so there should be a control system that "feels right" for just about any armchair Mansell. Steering is, initially, quite tricky and it soon becomes obvious that -the only chance of making it to Monaco is to learn each course. If Super Monaco does have a fault it's that it's very unforgiving - take one bend too fast and it's ogling at the attractive lady in the swimsuit on the 'Game Over' screen for you, my boy. With a little care and loving, though, the car can be goaded around the track as if it were on rails.

As you play, a limit is set on the position you can fall back to in the race and once this is broken the race is over. This placing is adjusted during the race according to how you're doing so if you zoom off right at the start, the chances are you'll be trying to avoid slipping down to third place before too long. So a tiny hint of strategy is called for and it is best to pace yourself early on with a beady eye fixed on the rear-view mirror.

Although it's certainly not the best sprite-racer around (and its age is beginning to show a little now), it really is blummin' great fun and provides quite a long-term challenge. I really do like this game - I always have done - and at this price you'd need to be completely off your so-called trolley to let this purchasing opportunity pass by and miss your chance of owning one of the finer racing games for the Amiga.