Your Sinclair

Super Hang-On

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Phil South
Publisher: Electric Dreams
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #26

Super Hang-On

I must say I was a bit worried about this one. (He's a bit worried! The YS Team) I mean, it's something of a concern when one of your fave arcade hits get scrunched onto the Speccy, innit? You think "Good grief, it won't be like Enduro Racer, will it?" and "Oo lumme, it's gonna be all one colour, innit? Green!", don't you? Well, I needn't have worried, 'cos Super Hang On is really good. (Phew! Worry isn't good for you, y'know!

Just like the coin-op version, you are in charge of a powerful motorbike, which you've got to race at top wack across six long and winding race courses around the world. The bike is really hi-tech, with a jet turbo booster which you can kick in when your speed reaches about 270-280 km, and all the usual steering and braking nonsense. You won't be using the brake much, on account of being a bit short on the old time, but when you do apply the brake, the little light comes on n the back of your bike. The way to complete the courses is to make it to the checkpoints in time (a bit like jolly old Outrun, rilly), whereupon you get an extended play and an opportunity to finish the next section. (I only got up to section three with a score of 241,880 before I had to stop playing and start writing.)

Well, I've got to get it out in the open. (Fnark, fwar, gwar!) I like it! It's an utterly wheelspinningly brill bit of arcade fastitude. What I mean is that old Super hard Up must be my fave racing game of the year. (Not difficult as it's the first racing game of the year. Snort! Ed) Far from being the monochrome borefest I had anticipated, it's a fast and colourful game, with all the gut-twisting curves and rubber-burning action of the arcade machine still intact on this version. All the items on the screen have a colour of their own, with some very tricky attribute cheating going on. The graphics really are the best renditions of the Hang On graphics you're likely to get on a wubber keyboard computer. You've even got the same courses to drive around, so arcade Super Hang On experts start with a distinct advantage. The best thing about the game is that it's really hard, (Fnark!) taxing even the most seasoned Hang Abouter, like me. There's nothing worse than a conversion that's too easy.

And so, there we have it. A cut above your average motorcycle race game, but still another one. It's for that reason that it dropped a mark rather than any lack of quality. Skill factor four, Mr Sulu...

An engine growling motorcycle race game, with all the playability of the original. First class!

Phil South

Other Reviews Of Super Hang-On For The Spectrum 48K

Super Hang-On (Electric Dreams)
A review by Nick Roberts (Crash)

Super Hang-On (Electric Dreams)
A review by Graham Taylor (Sinclair User)

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