Suds: The Adventure

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Riverdale
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Computer & Video Games #72

Suds: The Adventure

As the name suggests, this is a spoof based on soap operas. A Quilled four-parter, each part takes on the theme of a different programme.

Emmeroid Farm features in part one, which in part two your aim is to survive the rigours of Abdication Street. Cross Eyes Motel and the Dead End of London appear in parts three and four.

In text only, there is a LOCATION command, which displays the current location number - useful, says the instructions, for mapping mazes. And you certainly get 'em!

But are mazes really necessary, now that we all know how to map them? To my mind, they just hamper play without adding anything of interest. And the author himself seems to agree! Just as I was getting fed up with mapping an interminable forest, I got the comment "I'm browned off with all these trees!"

Not a bad series of adventures. They are quite well written, with a sense of humour. But the package is, perhaps, a little expensive when compared with the better budget games around these days.

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